About Me

Hey there, I'm Tyler M. Roderick! I'm a full-stack software engineer based in Orange County, CA. I am currently building CloudSpot, a SaaS platform to help photographers run their business.

# FAQs

# Where do you live?

📍 Orange County, California

# How do I contact you?

Fill out the form on my contact page and your message will be forwarded to my email. I read every message.

# How did you build this site?

See for yourself, the code is open source.

# Do you have a degree?

Yes, I graduated from the University of California, Irvine in 2017 with a degree in Informatics and a specialization in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

# What are you most excited about at the moment?

# What are are your favorite software tools?

# Can you show me an AI-generated image of you?

Of course 👇
