For full resume, please contact me and I can send you a pdf.
Full-stack Engineer
08/20 - Present
Currently developing software for a leading SaaS company in the photography space.
React Golang Typescript Vue Node.js Tailwind MongoDB Express Vite
Frontend Engineer
07/17 - 08/20
Led the development of e-commerce websites and custom web apps for the top 1% of Shopify stores.
Javascript React Node.js Express Firebase HTML/SCSS
Web Developer
06/14 - 06/17
Managed web forms, blog posts, and custom landing pages for the school's public-facing website.
Software Engineer Intern
Summer 2013 & 2015
Spent 2 summers as part of the data visualization team. Built a mobile web app to control the data flow being projected on a 3D globe in the visitor center.
Javascript HTML/CSS Angular.js